img colorful mountain range, fantasy artwork, award winning, very very very very very very very beautiful scenery -m land
Online Wallet SmartHoldem updated to version 1.0.96
- Running one instance of the application
- Function to create a 2nd passphrase for an existing address (for advanced users)
- Waiting for local storage to load
- Support for 2nd passphrase when importing a wallet
- Support for 2nd passphrase when sending a regular transaction
- Support for 2nd passphrase when voting for a delegate
- Support for 2nd passphrase when registering a delegate
- Display of the 2nd passphrase in the private section and in the QR
Account Import:
If you have already created the 2nd passphrase earlier, you need to re-Import your account.Create 2nd Passphrase:
Go to Wallet section and select 2ND PWD
Save your 2nd Passphrase !!!
Blockchain fee for the creation of the 2nd Passphrase is 5 STH.
After creating the 2nd Passphrase, when entering the wallet, it will be necessary to specify Two Passphrases.Advanced 2nd Passphrase security
Create a 2nd Passphrase to improve the security of your wallet.
This option is only recommended for advanced users!
Please do not overcomplicate things, the best security setup is one that you master and can execute with confidence. -
Results 12/02/2018
Standing online nodes 87
Blocks 600,000
Snapshot of blockchain signatures to accounts in the top
Automatic language detection in the browser
Source code for the browser
Added trusted nodes from ssl to online wallet
Corrections in a paper purse now available for download and use locally
API updates (peers, blockchain, txs)
New community server
Corrections in the module for interaction with the api via rpc
Added a library of interaction with the api through typescript
TechnologiesPro CRM interaction of all developers
Paper Wallet Generator Desktop & Mobile
Designed to securely generate crypto addresses OFFLINE!
SmartHoldem is available
Bloquear 832846
- Se agregaron pruebas automatizadas para varias bibliotecas
- [smartholdem-rpc] (
- [smartholdem-blockexplorer] (
- [sth-js] (
- Los sistemas de prueba automatizados utilizan varios proyectos, incluido el comando básico de bitcoin, las pruebas automatizadas eliminan muchos problemas en el desarrollo y las pruebas *
- Totalmente terminado y listo para usar la biblioteca [smartholdem-RPC] (, en la última versión añade opciones para trabajar con JSON RPC en la lista blanca de IPs:
Recibir solicitudes de la dirección especificada
--allow <dirección>
Recepción de solicitudes de todas las direcciones, para pruebas y configuración
Se agregó la generación de trabajo de direcciones jerárquicas con la contraseña maestra basada en el protocolo [bip38] (
- Agregado [generar protocolo especializado códigos QR] ( con uri protocolo basado [bip021] ( /bip-0021.mediawiki) requerido para la facturación, pago por enlaces, una nueva versión de la billetera de escritorio
- El repositorio de medios públicos [smartmedia] ( se actualiza constantemente
- Al anunciar la sección [Propuestas de mejora SmartHoldem - naves] ( con su propia plantilla, un análogo BitCoin BIP, en esta sección están disponibles para implementar el futuro protokoloy plataforma SmartHoldem
- Crear [Client Lite Java] ( la interacción con blockchain SmartHoldem, es 1 de 4 bibliotecas necesarias de despliegue contratos SmartEvents y las nuevas interacciones de servicio de protocolo basados en eventos reivindicación 7 cm.
- Crear un grupo separado de los repositorios [SmartEvents] ( tiene como objetivo desarrollar protocolos SmartEvents, contratos y nuevas interacciones enfoque evento con plataformas blockchain aquí en mayor detalle:
** Prólogo **
Mucha gente sabe, cuando interactúa con los servidores para recibir datos enfoque utilizado comúnmente, cuando se pide periódicamente al servidor para recuperar los datos solicitados, por ejemplo a través de cron 1 veces por proeryaete minutos para las nuevas transacciones en su cartera, o por ejemplo un simple chat cuando se necesita para ponerse en contacto con a la base de datos del servidor cada segundo con una solicitud de datos sobre nuevos mensajes, este enfoque es obviamente ineficaz.
Según la investigación de muchas campañas, el 99% de los recursos del servidor se desperdician debido a llamadas "inactivas" a las bases de datos en la red, lo que genera costos adicionales de creación de hardware del servidor (RAM, CPU, etc.).
** Nuestra visión **
100% de eficiencia de uso de recursos versus 1%, reducción de los costos del servidor. Este problema se resuelve mediante el desarrollo de un enfoque basado en eventos que consiste en oyentes y proveedores de servicios.
Un miembro de la red SmartHoldem puede convertirse tanto en oyentes como en proveedores de servicios y recibir una remuneración adicional pagada por los consumidores por esto. Los consumidores de servicios son aplicaciones y campañas que utilizan servicios confiables proporcionados por la comunidad.
Alternativamente, los consumidores del servicio pueden elevar a sus oyentes y proveedores de servicios en sus propios servidores. No use servicios remotos de confianza.
** Cómo funciona **
Ejemplo 1: necesita recibir información sobre las transacciones entrantes a miles de direcciones
Los oyentes escuchan los eventos de red en el blockchain de forma local / remota, creando más oportunidades para los usuarios de la red y descentralizando el servicio. La API permite a los consumidores crear suscripciones y recibir eventos de blockchain en tiempo real utilizando devoluciones de llamada de Webhook.
Los servicios manejan eventos y cumplen con las condiciones y contratos especificados. Cree y ejecute contratos de servicio, que pueden ser desde descargar un archivo hasta transferir valores, crear contratos inteligentes, ejecutar código en plataformas informáticas basadas en bockchain o interactuar con Iot.
El cliente de los servicios (por ejemplo, el intercambio con miles de direcciones SmartHoldem) se suscribe a los eventos en la red, en nuestro ejemplo, este es el recibo de la transacción a las direcciones N1000 + con la condición de más de 5 confirmaciones.
Cuando se produce el evento, los Servicios realizan la lógica necesaria, por ejemplo, envían una notificación POST a la base de datos / URL de devolución de llamada sobre la recepción de una nueva transacción confirmada y agregan el saldo STH a la cuenta del usuario.
*! Excluye cualquier carga adicional en el servidor y 100% de eficiencia con un consumo mínimo de recursos. *
La tecnología basada en eventos también se usa en eventos determinísticos de contrato.
El ejemplo se simplifica al máximo para comprender los principios básicos de la interacción de los nodos.
Como seguridad, puede usar la lista blanca, los sitios de confianza y la clave API única, que el consumidor recibe de los servicios basados en la dirección STH. Es decir. todas las solicitudes en la red ocurren con autorización. Las solicitudes sin autorización son rechazadas por los servicios y oyentes de la red.
Para recibir la Clave Api, el consumidor repone su dirección STH con la cantidad de dinero necesaria de 0 a N monedas. Si el consumidor también es proveedor de servicios propios, puede establecer 0.
Si el consumidor usa proveedores de servicios confiables, el servicio se proporcionará hasta que se desperdicie todo el saldo de la dirección firmada con la clave API a favor del proveedor del servicio. La cantidad inicial recomendada para los proveedores de servicios es de 100 unidades.
Los servicios y contratos son ilimitados en sus modificaciones. Los servicios y eventos principales pueden ser los siguientes:
- se creó un nuevo bloque - realizar la operación
- se recibió una transacción en la dirección A con el número de confirmaciones N
- se recibió una transacción en la dirección A con el número de confirmaciones N y la suma> S
- Apuesta en el evento del juego E
- Evento de juego + contrato de servicio iniciado
- Block N recibido
- intercambio directo de BTC> STH a través de la red + contrato
y así sucesivamente
img mojito ice summer seaside beach -hr true
Мы рады объявить о начале сотрудничества биржи XBTS, платформы SmartHoldem и Сообщества BTSDAO
BTSDAO — это децентрализованная автономная организация по добыче ликвидности, созданная китайским сообществом.
btsdao — это основная учетная запись управления BTSDAO.
DEFI — это токен для управления, который ежедневно распределяется между поставщиками ликвидности.В рамках сотрудничества, сообществом BTSDAO созданы два пула ликвидности для SmartHoldem STH :
BTS/XBTSX.STH 1.19.181 1.19.180 Пулы ликвидности, созданные сообществом BTSDAO, увеличивают ликвидность торговых пар, распространение монеты SmartHoldem STH, а за счет увеличения операций в пулах более высокий APY для поставщиков ликвидности STH, BTS, DEFI.
Протоколы доходного фермерства поощряют поставщиков ликвидности (LP), чтобы те занимались стейкингом или блокировали свои криптоактивы в пуле ликвидности.
Доходное фермерство BTSDAO вознаграждает поставщиков ликвидности токенами управления DEFI, которые можно продать или сделать ставку и увеличить процент LP.
- Аирдроп DEFI осуществляется через пул BTS/XBTSX.STH в соответствии с правилами BTSDAO. Ежедневно пул BTS/XBTSX.STH получает Аирдроп в размере 40 000 DEFI.
Каждый день в случайное время делается SnapShot балансов поставщиков ликвидности. Раздачи DEFI для каждого поставщика ликвидности рассчитываются в зависимости от доли LP и передаются ежедневно от btsdao.escrow на аккаунт поставщика ликвидности.
- Присоединяйтесь к пулу BTS/XBTSX.STH и участвуйте в доходном фермерстве!
Покупайте, Торгуйте, Ставьте, Обменивайте, Зарабатывайте SmartHoldem STH
на XBTS Cross-Chain Dex & DeFiXBTS Exchange
DeFi AMMob Platform -
Block 832846
- Added automated tests for several libraries
- Automated test systems use several projects, including the bitcoin core command, automated tests eliminate many problems in development and testing *
- Completely completed and ready for use library [smartholdem-rpc] (, the latest version added parameters for working with RPC Json on whitelist ip:
Receiving requests from the specified address
--allow <address>
Receiving requests from all addresses, for testing and configuration
Added working generation of hierarchical addresses with masterpassword based on the protocol [bip38] (
- Added [protocol for generation of specialized qr-codes] ( with uri based on the protocol [bip021] ( /bip-0021.mediawiki) required for billing, payment by links, a new version of the desktop wallet
- The public media repository [smartmedia] ( is constantly updated
- The section [SmartHoldem Improvement Proposals (SHIPs) ( with its own template, analog BitCoin BIP was announced, in this section future implementations of the SmartHoldem platform are proposed for implementation
- Created [Lite Java Client] ( for interaction with blockchain SmartHoldem, this is one of the 4 required deployment libraries for SmartEvents Contracts and the new event log of service interaction.
- A separate group of repositories is created [SmartEvents] ( is aimed at the development of SmartEvents protocols, contracts and a new event-based approach to interaction with blockchain platforms, here:
** Foreword **
Many people know when you interact with servers to get data that you usually use the approach when you periodically access the server to get the requested data, for example, through cron 1 time per minute you check the availability of new transactions in your wallet, or for example a simple chat when you need to contact to the server database every second with a request for data on new messages, this approach is obviously ineffective.
According to the research of many campaigns, 99% of the server resources are wasted due to "idle" calls to databases on the network, which leads to additional costs of building up server hardware (RAM, CPU etc ..)
** Our Vision **
100% efficiency of resource use versus 1%, reduction of server costs. This problem is solved by the development of an event-based approach consisting of listeners and service providers.
A member of the SmartHoldem network can become both listeners and service providers and receive additional remuneration paid by consumers for this. Service consumers are applications and campaigns that use trusted community-provided services.
Alternatively, service consumers can raise their listeners and service providers on their own servers. Do not use trusted remote services.
How it works
Example 1 - you need to receive information about incoming transactions to thousands of addresses
Listeners listen to network events in the blockchain locally / remotely, creating more opportunities for network users and decentralizing the service. The API allows consumers to create subscriptions and receive blockchain events in real time using Webhook callbacks.
Services handle events and fulfill any specified conditions and contracts. Create and execute service contracts, which can be anything from downloading a file to transferring values, creating smart contracts, executing code on bockchain-based computing platforms, or interacting with Iot.
The customer of services (for example, the exchange with thousands of SmartHoldem addresses) subscribes to events on the network, in our example this is the transaction receipt to N1000 + addresses with the condition of 5+ confirmations.
When the event occurs, the Services perform the necessary logic, for example, send a POST notification to the database / Callback URL about the receipt of a new confirmed transaction and add the STH balance to the user's account.
*! It excludes any extra load on the server and 100% efficiency with minimal resource consumption. *
Event-based technology is also used in contract deterministic events.
The example is maximally simplified in understanding the basic principles of interaction of nodes.
As security, you can use the white list, trusted sites, and the unique API Key, which is received by the consumer of services based on the STH-Address. Those. all requests on the network occur with authorization. Requests without authorization are rejected by the services and listeners of the network.
To receive the Api Key, the consumer replenishes his STH address with the necessary amount of service from 0 to N coins. If the consumer is also a provider of own services, he can set 0.
If the consumer uses trusted service providers, the service will be provided until the entire balance of the signed address with the API Key in favor of the service provider is wasted. The recommended initial amount for service providers is 100 units.
Services and contracts are unlimited in their modifications. Primary services and events can be as follows:
- a new block was created - perform the operation
- a transaction was received at address A with the number of confirmations N
- a transaction was received at address A with the number of confirmations N and the sum> S
- Bet on the game event E
- Game event + service contract initiated
- Block N received
- direct exchange of BTC> STH through the network + contract
Paper Wallet Generator Desktop & Mobile
Designed to securely generate crypto addresses OFFLINE!
Universe is available
Тапалки - это игры, где основной механикой является сбор монет или игровых предметов. Название образовалось от английского слова Tap = тык. Тапалки - это современное название игр-кликеров.
Есть еще одно название для этой игровой механики - это idle game ([с англ. - «простаивающая игра», «ленивая игра»], кликер) - компьютерная игра, игровой процесс в которой состоит из выполнения простых действий, таких как многократное нажатие на экран. Нажатия, как правило, выполняются, чтобы заработать игровую валюту. В некоторых играх постоянно нажимать на экран и вовсе не нужно (при условии покупки различных улучшений), так валюта зарабатывается сама, в том числе и в отсутствие игрока. Отсюда и название «idle game».
Что такого особенного в тапалках?
- Все они обещают прибыль за действия в игре.
В такие игры нужно периодически заходить и нажимать на главную монетку/персонаж в центре экрана. С каждым разом интервал клика увеличивается. Если не заходить в игру, прогресс может сгореть. Пользователь может купить автокликер в игре и он будет делать всю работу.
Базовая механика:
- Главный герой - персонаж/предмет/монета
- Нажал на него - получил монеты
- Бесконечно получать монеты нельзя: есть время на накопление "энергии"; кол-во монет за 1 клик - эти показатели можно улучшить, потратив уже заработанные монеты или купить ускоритель.
- Дополнительные функции могут включать любые другие механики для пассивного заработка монет.
Из уже существующих тапалок, можно выделить похожие игровые механики:
- Тапать токен и ждать листинг
- Скрещивать котиков и фармить монеты
- Качать дерево и фармить монеты
- Фармить поинты и ждать аирдроп
- Добывать токен и ждать аирдроп
- Прокачивать персонажа и ждать листинг
Механика может видоизменяться или дополняться.
В общем, тапалки - это вид игровых приложений для заработка, в которые можно играть на своем телефоне. Механика действий максимально простая и не требует специальных знаний и навыков.
- Все они обещают прибыль за действия в игре.
img a cute bull made out of metal with smartholdem logo, (cyborg:1.1), ([tail | detailed wire]:1.3), (intricate details), hdr, (intricate details, hyperdetailed:1.2), cinematic shot, vignette, centered -n (deformed, distorted, disfigured:1.3), poorly drawn, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy, extra limb, missing limb, floating limbs, (mutated hands and fingers:1.4), disconnected limbs, mutation, mutated, ugly, disgusting, blurry, amputation, flowers, human, man, woman -enable_hr true -hr_scale 1.3 -cfg_scale 7 -steps 30 -sampler_index Euler a -denoising_strength 0.5
We are pleased to announce the start of cooperation between the XBTS exchange, the SmartHoldem platform and the BTSDAO Community
BTSDAO is a decentralized autonomous liquidity mining community created by the Chinese community.
btsdao is the main management account for BTSDAO.
DEFI is a governance token distributed daily to liquidity providers.As part of the collaboration, the BTSDAO community has created two liquidity pools for SmartHoldem STH :
BTS/XBTSX.STH 1.19.181 1.19.180 The liquidity pools created by the BTSDAO community increase the liquidity of trading pairs, distribution of the SmartHoldem STH coin, by increasing operations in higher APY pools for liquidity providers STH, BTS, DEFI.
Yield Farming protocols encourage liquidity providers (LPs) to stake or lock their crypto assets in the liquidity pool.
BTSDAO Yield Farming rewards liquidity providers with DEFI Governance Tokens, which can be sold or staked and increase LP percentage.
- The DEFI airdrop works with the BTS/XBTSX.STH pool in accordance with the BTSDAO rules. The BTS/XBTSX.STH pool receives a 40,000 DEFI Airdrop every day.
A SnapShot is taken every day at a random time to check if the TVL (Total Value Locked) of each of the listed pools exceeds a certain threshold, if so, the number of DEFI giveaways for each liquidity provider is calculated based on the LP share and will be transferred from btsdao.escrow to the liquidity provider.
- Joining the BTSDAO airdrop increases the liquidity of trading pairs on the DEX.
Buy, Trade, Stake, Earn SmartHoldem STH
XBTS Exchange
DeFi AMMob https://app.xbts.ioXBTS Cross-Chain Dex & DeFi
Safely! Instantly! Simply! -
A new documentation system SmartHoldem API based on slate ruby
https://api.smartholdem.ioThe documentation has a more intuitive interface compared to the previous version and additional examples with json answers.
The source code for the documentation is at
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Bitcoin (BTC)-BitcoinGold (BTG)-Blocknet (BLOCK)-DASH (DASH)-DigiByte (DGB)-DeepOnion (ONION)-Dogecoin (DOGE)-Ethereum (ETH)-Emercoin (EMC)-Litecoin (LTC)-NameCoin (NMC)-NovaCoin (NVC)-PotCoin (POT)-PeerCoin (PPC)-PIVX (PIVX)-PostCoin (POST)-ReddCoin (RDD)-SmartHoldem (STH)-Vericoin (VRC)-Vertcoin (VTC)-Waves (WAVES)-EverGreenCoin (EGC)-BlockchaincoinX (XCCX)-eXperience Points (XP)-GuapCoin (GUAP)-Ravencoin (RVN)-Tron (TRX)-HiveCoin (HVN)-Raptoreum (RTM)-FLUX (FLUX)-ZCASH (ZEC)- Binance (BNB)-Ethereum Classic (ETC)-Komodo (KMD)-QTUM (QTUM)-Auroracoin (AUR)
@Antonio_q3 Исправлено в v2.0.15
img white unicorn with rainbow tail, purple horn, (cyborg:1.1), electric blue eyes, in an amazonian jungle, golden hour, professional photography, mid dof, dynamic shadows, fantasy, cinematic lighting, made out of metal, ([tail | detailed wire]:1.3), (intricate details), hdr, (intricate details, hyperdetailed:1.2), cinematic shot, vignette, centered -n (deformed, distorted, disfigured:1.3), poorly drawn, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy, extra limb, missing limb, floating limbs, (mutated hands and fingers:1.4), disconnected limbs, mutation, mutated, ugly, disgusting, blurry, amputation, flowers, human, man woman, many tails -m dl -enable_hr true -hr_scale 2 -cfg_scale 7 -steps 28 -denoising_strength 0.55
@vlad2323 Майнить можно будет STH
** Block ** 1401917
** Developers ** created distribution of test (DEV) coins required in testing API SmartHoldem without the costs of these coins.
** Explorer ** of test network blocks DEV Explorer
** Delegates ** - improved security of node A. You can generate a second passphrase to your address, but use the first password on the server, which guarantees complete security in case of compromising the first phrase. After activation All further outgoing operations of the address must be carried out using two phrases. Tested in DevNet. Commission to include the second phrase ** 5 ** STH.
** Remember! If you lose your passphrase, you will not be able to access your assets! ** -
Updated ** SmartHoldem API ** Wrapper when working with transactions, network type identification, random node selection.
Updated ** JS API ** on mainnet & desktop wallet, fixes in address validation and network types (sidechains)
Updated scripts faucet
Added local versions of Windows a generator of "paper" wallets, works without connection to the network.
Updated BlockExplorer. Transfers, support for alternative networks, blockchains, added functionality for schedules and monitoring of future STH & Linked token exchange rates.
Updated documentation API SmartHoldem for API Wrapper and usage examples
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Эволюция покера
Ai Prompts. Подсказки для генерации изображений
Online Wallet SmartHoldem v 1.0.96. Advanced 2nd Passphrase security
Results 12/02/2018
SmartHoldem is available
Resultados 06/03/2018
Ai Prompts. Подсказки для генерации изображений
Сотрудничество c BTSDAO
Results 06/03/2018
Universe is available
Виды тапалок, кликеров, idle игр, фармилок
Ai Prompts. Подсказки для генерации изображений
Cooperation with BTSDAO
The new API documentation system
Открытый Бета Тест Покера
Ai Prompts. Подсказки для генерации изображений
GM Smartnote - Анонимная криптовалюта на блокчейне Smartholdem
Results 28/04/2018
Paper Wallet Generator Review
Игровые арты