Dear Tradecoin Holders,
Greetings! for You.
Our New Development:
BTS Autopay Script for Tradecoin Token Holders.
Minimum Holding Requirement: 100k TRD per lot
Maximum Holdings: No Limits per lot
Offer Market: BTS/TRD
Payment Mode: Weekly
How we will pay You?
Tradecoin Token holders on XBTS or BTS DEX will receive minimum 20 BTS per month on each lot of 100k TRD holdings.
Suppose you hold 250k TRD then you are eligible to receive
(20 x 2 lots = 40 BTS/month).
To claim for rest 50k TRD you have to complete 50k TRD lot from market by exchange to make it another 100k lot.
One you reach to 300k TRD you will receive 60 BTS per month in your account. Our Autopay Script will pay you weekly based on lots you hold.
You can buy and hold in partial lots also from market to complete the lot quantities but rewards are payable only when lot are maintained.
How we are paying you?
We are running our mining nodes on multiple chains which includes WAVES, TN, PIVX and DASH and others altcoins and stablecoins assets reserve which are on staking to cover rewards.
What is the advantage and why should I hold it?
BTS Staking rewards are extra to TRD holders and there is no any locking period which is an advantage to holders to sell and make profit from market at any time. So users are flexible to sell and buy back again as per their trading strategy.
Does the BTS rewards value is fixed or it's flexible, can I expect some additional rewards in future?
It's fixed at 20 BTS per TRD lot.
As an additional reward, we have plan to cover users PLACE ORDER fees for TRD holders.
Which will cover approx. 1000+ transactions of PLACE ORDER for LTM Accounts in a year.
User is eligible to receive additional 97 BTS for a Year in following conditions:
User must hold minimum 1 Million TRD.
User must be a holder of Life Time Member Account. (LTM)
What I need to do to receive BTS?
Just get and hold TRD in lots from BTS or XBTS DEX in your account. Rest let the script manage itself.
I already have some TRD in my account. Can I claim Rewards or I am eligible or not?
Yes Of Course. If your holdings are more than 100k TRD each lot. You are eligible to receive BTS rewards and it will be credited to your account every week automatically.
Where I can see the report of Paid rewards?
It will be posted here as well as you can join our telegram group Tradecoin.
Best Regards,
Tradecoin Team