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    🌐Smart2FA is a free, secure, open-source app allows you protect your accounts by adding 2-factor authentication (2FA). The app brings together best-in-class security practices and a seamless user experience together. Enable Smart2FA for your favorite online services.

    Smart 2FA Feature overview:

    • Free & open source
    • Support industry-standard TOTP algorithm
    • View clean data and keys
    • Downloading 2FA authorization tokens from sites via QR or by entering a code
    • Webcam support for scanning qr-codes
    • Desktop/Mobile
    • Generation of a single QR to export a RAW key to another device
    • Built-in auto-synchronization of token time
    • Cross-Platform. You can use Smart2FA Authenticator in a simple and convenient interface using our Smart2FA Desktop application for macOS, Windows, and Linux devices.
    • Backups with AES 256-bit Encryption. Export encrypted JSON files with keys on your desktop device. This keeps you in total control of your data while providing effective backup.

    ✅ Download Smart2FA desktop app for macOS, Windows, and Linux devices https://github.com/technologiespro/smart2fa/releases

    ✅Snapcraft https://snapcraft.io/smart2fa

    ✅Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.smartholdem.fa

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    Noda will leave the top 64 after the last payment 2021.05.08

    Thank you for voting.

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    🌐 Your personal translator and analyst in the world of information! 🚀

    🤖 Meet the AI ​​Assistant Bot (https://t.me/ChatGPT_AI_AssistantTG_Bot) — your indispensable assistant in Telegram!

    🔍 Instant and accurate translations: Don't waste time on dictionaries and inconvenient applications. Our bot will instantly translate any text into the desired language, preserving its original meaning.

    📚 Text analysis: Get instant analysis of text messages to understand their deep meaning.

    📈 Request statistics: Track your activity and optimize the use of the bot with the help of convenient statistics.

    🔝 Choose the right plan:

    Free: Ideal for random requests. Premium: Advanced features for active users. Daily: Unlimited access to translations and text analysis every day.

    💳 Simple and convenient payment: Subscription is issued in a couple of clicks, and you can pay for it with a bank card or cryptocurrency.

    🔒 Security and privacy: Your data is in safe hands thanks to advanced encryption technologies.

    📅 Save time every day: Our bot helps you focus on what is important, avoiding routine information searches.

    👉 Subscribe now and make your communication limitless!

    🔗 Go to subscription (https://t.me/ChatGPT_AI_AssistantTG_Bot)

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    In response to a request filed by the U.S Security and Exchange Commission on Aug. 12, a United States District Court has entered an emergency freeze to preserve $8 million of a New York citizen and two of his entities related assets.

    Announced in a publication by the SEC on Aug. 13, the court agreed, ordering the temporary freeze of $8 million of the $14.8 million Reginald “Reggie” Middleton and two entities under his management, Veritaseum, Inc. and Veritaseum, LLC raised in 2017 and 2018 by conducting a fraudulent and unregistered initial coin offering (ICO). The SEC specifically alleges the defendants of violating the registration and antifraud provisions of the U.S. federal securities laws, as well as manipulative trading.

    As per the SEC filling on Aug. 12, the companies sold tokens called VERI, which were apparently issued on the Ethereum blockchain and pegged to Ether (ETH) at a 30:1 ratio. The defendants reportedly presented VERI as a utility token, saying that it could be redeemed for benefits such as consulting and advisory services and purportedly unlimited access to research.

    The SEC thus seeks the defendants to pay permanent injunctions, disgorgement, interest, and penalties and a bar from offering digital securities. Marc P. Berger, director of the SEC’s New York Regional Office, said:

    “After learning about Middleton’s transfer of funds, we took quick action to prevent the further dissipation of investor assets. Whether in digital currency or plain cash, we will act to protect investor assets and to pursue fraud and manipulation in our securities markets.”


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    The task:

    🔴 Participants need to prepare a set of stickers on SmartHoldem.io topics for the Telegram messenger (it can be further implemented into other messengers and social networks)

    🔴 The number of images is unlimited, however, in order for this to really be a "set", there must be at least fifteen of them. 10 for smiles, and 5 for your discretion.

    🔴 Please bear in mind that each image must correspond to some emotion - an emoticon.

    🔴 Try to make your stickers diverse ...
    ... and at the same time, do not forget that they must be implemented in a single style.

    🔴 Images should be prepared in png format, size 512x512 px (do not forget about the transparent background).

    🔴 How to download stickers in telegrams? You can see here: https://youtu.be/KMkzerQI0LM


    From one participant only one set of stickers is accepted.

    ⚬ If you are working in an album, you agree that all or part of your stickers may be used by third parties.

    ⚬ Works that are not related to SmartHoldem will be disqualified.

    ⚬Work can be represented by art, prepared in a graphic editor or hand-drawn and digitized.

    ⚬Work must be fully authored.

    ⚬ Plagiarism and the depiction of scenes of pornographic, political and interethnic nature are prohibited.

    ⚬ The organizers reserve the right to withdraw from the competition if it does not comply with the rules.

    ⚬The participant must be subscribed to the official community channel in Telegram

    ⚬ The participant must be registered at the official Smartholdem forum: https://community.smartholdem.io/categories

    Acceptance of works:

    🔵 All the works are taken in a separate topic at the Forum (https://community.smartholdem.io/topic/182/contract- creating the best- stickers-style-smartholdem)

    🔵 Each participant in the competitive post should indicate their data: their nickname on the forum, nickname in Telegram.

    🔵 Those wishing to participate, we leave applications for participation in the comments of the topic.


    ✔️The work is accepted until March 30 inclusive.

    ✔️The winners will be determined on March 31, 2018.

    Identification of winners:

    In the judging of the contest, the Smartholdem development team, organizers and participants of the fund participate.

    Prizes: ATTENTION! At the time of ICO, the STH coin was worth 0.12 $
    And soon listing on the stock exchange))

    Prizes will be distributed from the competition fund in the following percentage:

    The first place - 60% Second place - 25% Third place - 15%

    fund address:


    (Anyone can support this contest by donating any number of STH to this address.)

    At the moment the fund contains 10 000 STH. it is possible to increase the pool before the end of the competition.

    We wish everyone good luck! 0_1518889174253_ывапуорилр.PNG

  • 2 Topics
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    SmartHoldem is a global decentralized gaming platform with a set of protocols to ensure gaming integrity and maintain anonymity of information, where all the net members do not need to trust each other or anyone. The platform is protected by a reliable distributed register with the advanced modified encryption technologies.

    We intentionally created blockchain from the ground up to be develop a stable progressive BlockChain, thus eliminating the problems of Bitcoin and later systems and providing innovative additional native functions. At this moment no one public blockchain provides such technologies.

    All process are implemented and regulated by the unique technology of the P2P nodes, public BlockChain, GameNet, deterministic SmartEvents algorithm and more advanced 2nd Delegate L Proof-of-Stake. Tickets for a tournament game, the random number generation, payment of prize money, affiliate programme, SuperNodes bonus as well as charge on the distributed network are carried out with the SmartEvents algorithm, without human intervention.

    A new technology protocol, developed in the SmartHoldem Platform, SmartEvents is a heart of the system, guarantor, gaming arbiter and the betting bank. SmartEvents provides some other innovative functions related to events. Within the SmartEvents protocol, programming language is used, supporting the Turing construction with the functions required for the automated events performance.


    2nd Delegate L Proof-of-Stake of SmartHoldem Platform in itself technically consists of two kinds of nodes:

    Level A delegates – SmartHoldem participants, supporting the servers function, provide network functions and develop new blocks with transactions. It is necessary to install and set up special server. The number of the first level delegates at the start is limited to 64 persons. Any participant can become a delegate if he or she can win a sufficient number of votes. If a delegate does not do his job – stopped signing blocks, a new delegate being beyond a list of 64 participants, can take his place, in other words, delegates, waiting for own turn, maybe more and more. In effect, a network is supported by the qualitative servers, consisted of the delegates. Pure democracy model is run here.

    Level B delegates – the special SmartHoldem nodes, responsible for distribution prize fund of the gameplays, obtained in poker game, for example. A winner can pick his money by deducting small rake percent. These commission fees are used to reward «mainers» for their supporting network. In order to become a level B delegate it is necessary to set up complete node, rather than a level A delegate, it is enough to have accessible in online mode computer, Raspberry PI also will serve, and there is need of minimal balance from 10. 000 and even more SmartHoldem coins. The more the second level being in operation, the better network stability is and less stock money on change. We do not forget about small token holders, for example, user who has 2. 000 coins on his own balance, can take the part in prize fund distribution from the gameplays, leased out his/her balance to the complete level B node.

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