• 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    alt text

    See on Youtube https://youtu.be/lAdv1Qg80jY

    BitShares 4.0. Voting system.
    BitShares is based on a delegated proof-of-stake system.
    Delegates are elected by BitShares holders.

    For newly registered accounts, the voting weight is zero, and the votes will only take effect after actively voting. After each active update of the vote, the voting weight is updated to 100%, and the voting weight is reduced by 12.5% ​​on the 360th day, and then 12.5% ​​of the total weight is decayed every 45 days, and the voting is completely invalid on the 675th day.
    This addresses concerns with centralization that have plagued DPoS in the past. Potential forging delegates can run instances of the Bitshares Node and campaign for forging status by gathering vote weight from token holders.

    You can buy BTS through the BitShares wallet or on any crypto exchange that supports BTS.

    Read More: https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=32546.0

  • 1 Votes
    1 Posts

    See on Youtube https://youtu.be/lAdv1Qg80jY

    BitShares 4.0. Voting system.

    BitShares is based on a delegated proof-of-stake system.

    Delegates are elected by BitShares holders.

    For newly registered accounts, the voting weight is zero, and the votes will only take effect after actively voting. After each active update of the vote, the voting weight is updated to 100%, and the voting weight is reduced by 12.5% ​​on the 360th day, and then 12.5% ​​of the total weight is decayed every 45 days, and the voting is completely invalid on the 675th day.

    This addresses concerns with centralization that have plagued DPoS in the past. Potential forging delegates can run instances of the Bitshares Node and campaign for forging status by gathering vote weight from token holders.

    You can buy BTS through the BitShares wallet or on any crypto exchange that supports BTS.

    Read More: https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=32546.0

  • 1 Votes
    1 Posts
    Unique offer for Ethereum & Waves tokens!


    https://vote.xbts.io Conditions Adding token to a decentralized exchange is very easy!

    Each participant’s vote/transaction is confirmed in the blockchain and you can always check it at https://blockexplorer.smartholdem.io

    XBTS Decentralized Exchange for everyone who wants to simply and secure buy and sell Bitcoins or Altcoins. Instant buy/sell of cryptocurrency at fair price is blockchain guaranteed. Confirmation time of just 3 seconds. 180+supported countries.

    XBTS DEX is a BitShares-based decentralized exchange and an entry point into the decentralized market. You can trade any amount, at any time, from anywhere, without withdrawal limits.You can create any trading pair that you need.

    Voting is carried out in SmartHoldem coins (STH). You can vote from the SmartHoldem Wallet or your XBTS or BitShares account. SmartHoldem Coin (STH) is the core asset of XBTS DEX. Used in https://vote.xbts.io voting and staking SmartHolder - everyone who stakes their STH is entitled to 50% of the trading profits from the XBTS decentralized exchange and Blockchain Games https://dexgames.net. Outside of XBTS is the main coin for a decentralized gaming platform. Internal name in BitShares blockchain XBTSX.STH

    You can vote for a token participating in the voting with any amount of SmartHoldem coins, the minimum amount is 500 STH.

    In each round, three projects with maximum balances are determined as winners! The minimum amount for a token to get into the winning top-3 is 750000 STH.

    If within 6 months the token did not reach the winning TOP 3 of the round, the funds shall be returned to the wallets of the participants who voted for it.

    The winners shall be determined once a month: on the first day of the current month 15:00: UTC.
    If your cryptocurrency holds one of the 3 positions on the leaderboard during the round, this means that your cryptocurrency will be added to the XBTS exchange.

    The voting winners will be announced in the official XBTS public group on Telegram, Twitter, BitcoinTalk.

    You can vote from the SmartHoldem Wallet or your XBTS or BitShares account.

    Please note! Only tokens Ethereum & Waves can take part in the voting. If for any reason the codebase of your cryptocurrency does not correspond to any of the codebases specified in the Voting request, the funds raised during the voting for this cryptocurrency are NOT to be returned to the voters!

    Important! Voting payments are not refunded in any case and for any reason. If your coin is not match for voting, fill in the standard listing form https://xbts.io/add-coin.html.

    Terms of voting:

    For participants, the minimum voting amount for any tokens is 500 STH

    The minimum amount for a token to get into the winning top-3 is 750000 STH.

    If within 6 months the token did not reach the TOP 3 of the round, the funds shall be returned to the wallets of the participants who voted for it. The amount shall be returned with a SmartHoldem network fee of 10 STH per refund transaction.

    The results of voting are finalized on the 1st day of each month 15:00 UTC.

    If any of the candidates credits the amount of STH, which is greater than yours is, this participant shall move to a higher position in the voting list, to the extent of exclusion of your cryptocurrency from the top-3 list. However, your cryptocurrency may still have a chance to win the next round.

    Voting procedure:

    Fill in the form for adding a token for participation in Xbts Exchange voting and your token will be automatically assigned an address participating in the blockchain voting. Please note! Only Ethereum & Waves tokens can take part in the voting.
    Voting STH deposit address will be specified for your Cryptocurrency in the Voting Candidates list.

    After submitting the form you, your colleagues, and friends of your community should deposit at least 750000 STH votes and thus your coin may occupy one of the 3 positions in the Voting Candidates list.

    The voting address for your token shall be specified in the list of voting candidates.

    You can vote from the SmartHoldem Desktop Wallet or from your XBTS account

    Upon submitting the form, the token starts participating in the voting. You can send your STH votes to the dedicated address.

    There are two ways to get STH:
    You can buy or trade STH coins on XBTS and BitShares exchanges

    If any of the candidates credits an amount of STH that is greater than yours, this participant shall move to a higher position in the voting list. However, your cryptocurrency may still have a chance to win the next round.

    The winners shall be determined once a month: on the first day of the current month 15:00 UTC.

    If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]
    Telegram group https://t.me/xbtsio

    Upon approval of the application form, token representative shall perform the following:
    Publish the Blockchain Voting XBTS banner on their official resources (official website, ANN thread, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, etc.) and join the official XBTS group https://t.me/xbtsio

    XBTS reserves the right to refuse listing any cryptocurrency at anytime without giving cause, and return all votes to source STH-addresses.

  • Serbia

    2 Votes
    31 Posts

    When will payments be made? It's been a month and no payments! If there is no response within 3 days, I removed the voice.