The btsdex library is designed to automate operations in a decentralized network of bitshares, can be used to create personal trading bots.
npm install btsdex
Basic examples and functions in WIKI BTSDEX
Source code is available https://github.com/scientistnik/btsdex
Additional functions:
- ** memoDecode ** (decoding memo)
// decoding example const BitShares = require("btsdex"); BitShares.init("wss://bitshares.openledger.info/ws"); BitShares.subscribe('connected', start); KEY = '5K...PrivateKey'; SENDER = 'sender_name'; async function start() { let bot = new BitShares(SENDER, KEY); bot.setMemoKey(KEY); let memo_text = await bot.memoDecode({ "from": "BTS5...sender_address", "nonce": 192135435365768, "message": "b897254f..." }); console.log(memo_text.split(":"); }
assetIssue (release of an asset)
assetReserve (asset burning)
The development of the library continues...