BitShares Weekly Report for September 16th, 2022
BitShares Weekly Report for September 16th, 2022
Sponsored by BitShares Fractal TeamXBTS
XBTS team is currently synchronizing the new ETH blockchain as a result of the Merge from PoW to PoS. Now in order to work with the ETH blockchain, two nodes are required the ETH and the Beacon blockchains. Synchronization will take 2 days.
GODs token is being added to the DEX and the listing will be formally announced next week.
New liquidity pools have been added:
Also this week there was a regular payment under the SmartHolder program, STH, BTC, EOS, TUSC, AXAI were distributed among the holders.
Promo materials are being prepared for the release of poker and work continues on a new website for The SmartHoldem team has created their own original game engine for the decentralized poker room and are currently optimizing game processes and working on a system for creating tournaments!
- Today on Sept 16th Peercoin has announced that they are now listed on the XBTS DEX. Just last month Peercoin turned 10 years old as it was launched on Aug 19th 2012. To learn more about Peercoin here is a link to their whitepaper
- The BitShares Group has put together a slick new brochure the contents are below. You can also download the content on the new BitShares Fractal Discord channel
BitShares NFT's
- has continued making progress on the NFT front for BitShares, check out his latest work he has published on Hive, progress includes but is not limited to: new compatability with MacOS, UX improvements, anti-virus solutions, scammer account tracker upgrades, transfer prompt improvements, Users/devs are now able to include encrypted/unencrypted memo contents in transfer operations, learn more below. 1) 2) 3)
EverGreen Coin
EGC does a mothly contest for crypto called Proof of Enviornment ever since 2017. This is how it works
Recently got a Gitcoin Grant
Has many trading pairs in XBTS pool Including a new pair with Tether
BitShares Fractal Team
We have set up a new Bitshares Fractal channel on discord which serves as a great place to keep up to date with all the projects in the BitShares ecosystem such as xbts, smartholdem, beos, axai, evergreencoin, bitshares fractal team and more to be added soon with regular updates.
We are having our regular BTS Fractal team meeting on Tuesday at 11am EST and encourage any and all community member to join and hang out. Follow the Telegram group for links and information or follow us at on our discord channel linked above.