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    Пользователям настоятельно рекомендуется !!!Внимательно прочитать инсктрукции на странице ДЕПОЗИТ / ВЫВОД перед выполнением любых переводов баланса. Пользователи, которые не соблюдают инструкции, могут потерять сумму перевода, если она не соответствует минимальной сумме для пополения/вывода, указанной на бирже.

    Для ДЕПОЗИТА / ВЫВОДА используйте форму https://ex.xbts.io/deposit-withdraw

    В интерфейсе биржи XBTS выберите блокчейн-мост для вывода - WAVES Chain Tokens

    Отправку перевода с биржи XBTS вы можете отследить во вкладке Инфопанель, в разделе Активность, а также в обозревателе блоков BitShares https://bts.ai/.

    При наличии транзакции по указанному вами адресу, и отсутствии актива на балансе вашего аккаунта Waves, обращайтесь в тех. поддержку Waves.
    Блокэксплорер https://wavesexplorer.com

    Waves ➡️ XBTS







    *кликните на картинку

  • 2 Votes
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    Great Promo! Very Rare XBB @BondBillion! Supply: only 10 $XBB Tokens and its non re-issuable tokens.
    Official site http://billionbond.com

    1st round Airdrop! Top 5 000 Active Traders XBTS & BitShares!

    Buy & Trade BillionBond
    0_1555329950737_Без названия (9).jpg

  • 2 Votes
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    Official site
    Coinpaprika market

    BILLION BOND is a Digital Asset backed by Waves Blockchain Technology. BillionBond is open source and decentralized Bond token used to issue corporate and industrial sector wealth bonds and Insure bonds. BillionBond can send, receive, trade, invest in Gold ,Silver and Diamond and more. BillionBond can trade with all major cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Waves. Its based on peer-to-peer and secure transactions using waves. BillionBond supply has only 10 XBB Tokens and its non re-issuable tokens.

    Billion Bond is 10x More Decentralized
    Open decentralization did not work as intended as more than 70% of mining is in China and the majority of that is run by just a few companies. Billion Bond forces nodes to be in different countries, run by unrelated people/companies.

    Billion Bond is 100x Faster – Gives more transactions per second
    Billion Bond will support very high transaction volumes with fast verifications.

    Billion Bond User 1000x Less Energy
    The energy used to run the Bitcoin network could power more than 3.5 million US households, 1 million to run Ethereum. We think that’s completely unacceptable and unsustainable. Billion Bond will use a small fraction of the energy used to run other cryptocurrencies.


  • Waves Platform

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    Official site

    Designed from scratch for storing, managing, and issuing digital assets, Waves (WAVES) is an open source decentralized blockchain platform that enables anyone to create their own internal digital currencies. Building on approaches implemented by NXT to make adding new transaction types possible, WAVES approaches this practice via plug-ins that do not require an update to the core software, but instead may be installed as extensions on top of it. As a result, clients not running software with these additional plug-ins may still relay custom transaction types without the need to support a mandatory hard fork of the core code.


  • 1 Votes
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    Blockchain Efficiency For The Specialty Coffee Trade!
    10000 CoffeeCoin Airdropped to Top 10 000 XBTS & BitShares Active Traders!


    Trade CoffeeCoin https://ex.xbts.io/#/market/XBTSX.COF_BTS

    CoffeeCoin $COF https://coffeecoin.io/ is a cryptocurrency for the specialty coffee trade allowing direct & near-instant global payments between producers, roasters, retailers & consumers. Faster & less expensive than legacy payment systems. Higher prices for producers, lower fees for buyers.

    Buy Coffee https://coffeecoin.io/shop/


    Join The CoffeeCoin Journey!
    To become part of the CoffeeCoin project, all you need to do is download your CoffeeCoin wallet, get some COF & start using it to purchase great coffees from around the world.

    Welcome to XBTS & Bitshares!

  • 3 Votes
    2 Posts

    @europa - Thanks so much for your efforts to create a gateway / bridge for CoffeeCoin along with a listing on XBTS.io. We have a separate thread to introduce and discuss CoffeeCoin here:
