BitShares Weekly Report for September 9th, 2022
Sponsored by BitShares Fractal Team
XBTS team has been keeping up with the fast pace of the blockchain space. XBTS has completed the ETH gateway Bellatrix upgrade on Sept 6th. The Ethereum mainnet merger is scheduled for Sept. 15th - 16th, marking the end of the transition from PoW to PoS. All deposits and withdrawals of ETH and all ERC-20 tokens to/from are currently available. This is the first step of a two step process and XBTS is on top of all the latest upgrades to ensure smooth IBC!
Check out the 2 new Pools at XBTS
-Provide Liquidity and Earn APY
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SmartHoldem (STH)
STH has already begun to connect cross-chains through TRON. SmartHoldem continues to scale to other networks for better coin distribution and player convenience. Also, SmartHoldem receives the functions of all blockchains in which coins are issued, emission doesn't change, the combustion system works in contracts in other networks.
STH is also available for trading on MDEX through XBTS cross-chain bridges. Here is some information about MDEX, it is an automatic market-making decentralized exchange based on the concept of fund pools. MDEX proposes and implements a mix-chain DEX model based on the Heco Chain and Ethereum. Mdex combines the advantages of the low transaction fees of the Heco chain and the prosperity of the Ethereum ecosystem. With MDEX, users can also await dual mining mechanism of liquidity and transactions.
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Of course this is all coupled with the highly anticipated soon to be released poker game that will be instrumental in attracting new capital in-flows and community members
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Screen Shot 2022-09-09 at 2.25.51 PM.png has continued with development on the NFT front and has made a lot of progress in this past week including releasing a new BitShares NFT Issuance App has also released a new version of the BitShares NFT Viewer App
BitShares Fractal Team looks forward to developing some great exclusive NFT's to be given out as rewards at meetings.
AxAi is a stand alone blockchain with its tokenized Asset on Waves platform. This team has been very active in the BitShares community setting up a ton of new pairs on the XBTS DEX. They have also set up a new swap service on the Waves platform
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The AxAi team believes in decentralization and walks the walk with their projects development and participation in De-Gov (Decentralized Governance) via being a part of the BitShares Fractal Team.
AxAi is also in the process of securing Ammer cards Ammer Card is a multi-asset hardware wallet with an accessible shape of a bank card with NFC capability. It comes with an easy to use companion app called Ammer Wallet that allows you to manage your assets.
BitShares Fractal Team
The BitShares Fractal Team is proud to bring forth this news aggregation and our mission is to promote all avenues of value which are piped into the BitShares ecosystem creating the truly decentralized world we all want to be a part of and build to secure life, liberty, and property for ourselves and our children.
BitShares Fractal Team will be meeting as usual every Tuesday at 11am EST and will be looking forward to securing our fourth official team member which will allow us to officially form a team in the Fractal Genesis. The unique benefit to this will be the ability to obtain matching Respect tokens allocated to the BitShares Team by having our members join the Saturday Genesis Consensus meeting.
Follow us on telegram for the latests developments****
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Did You Know
There are 2 unique ways to collect rewards on the XBTS DEX
1.You can place your SmartHoldem coins (STH) and get profit from XBTS twice a month. The stake in the SmartHOLDER Staking Program will freeze and block your coins in the blockchain for the timer of 1-3-6-12 months. The longer duration of the stake provides for the higher pay-out rate. During the staking period you will automatically take part in the distribution of payments on the 1st and 15th day of each month.
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You can stake BTS/STH and receive daily airdrops of DEFI tokens. These are liquid on the XBTS DEX and can be exchanged for your favorite tokens !
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