SmartHoldem News

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27 Topics 27 Posts
  • 3 Votes
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    SmartHoldem architecture and its application in the gaming industry


    With the inclusion of the gaming segment of the SmartHoldem platform the new blockchain tools will become available both for the developers of computer games, and for Gambling operators.

    SmartHoldem games for gambling segment are the working blockchain-sample of fast and fair games on blockchain, which enable casinos and other operators to optimize their expenses for obtaining the additional licenses, maintaining the servers, payment to the network administrators, etc.

    Texas Holdem Poker by SmartHoldem will be one of the elements to demonstrate the capabilities of the platform.

    We develop the system, which is fully ready for use, where any Gambling operator using SmartHoldem Sidechains will be able to offer fair poker, Black-Jack and other games to its users.


    As soon as the operators are a separate segment of the software buyers, the license will be sold for them separately for the use of ready Blockchain KIT for start. The casinos will be able to put their logos, to choose the style or to change the existing or start fully independent decentralized project with their own brand on the basis of SmartHoldem platform.

    Also we are planning to make the full-fledged store for selling the assets for full-fledges integration with the popular gaming platforms and extension of the possibilities for the game developers. Some modules will be free.

    What SmartHoldem architecture gives:

    Wide range of use of the game content subjects.

    Due to integration with popular gaming engines of AAA class. Blockchain games will get the excellent quality of the visual content.

    Adaptivity for various operating system.

    Guaranteed payments, which can be seen in blockchain.

    Renewable tournament fund.

    Referral blockchain program.

    SmartHoldem gaming architecture is a Block-chain algorithm, i.e. the machine, which does not require for intervention of the third persons.

    Provable fair games on Blockchain.

    The full rights for the games are possessed by their creators.

    New and efficient methods of monetization. Balance replenishment and withdrawal of funds in popular currencies.

    Full set of tools for creation of games on Blockchain.

    SmartHoldem technology releases from the expenses for maintaining the gaming servers.

    Blockchain security and protection of the user accounts and in-game property.

    Compatibility of gaming client and SmartHoldem Wallet.

    Adding the issued Game tokens to decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges XBTS and BitShares.

    And the interest of the players throughout the world is gained by the fair play, usability and prize pool.

  • Rewarder-Service SmartHoldem

    Pinned Locked
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    Rewarder-Service SmartHoldem
    Development of Rewarder-Service has been completed.
    Rewarder is available on GitHub SmartHoldem


    Rewarder-Service advantages:

    Voting without participation of third persons!

    The automated and protected algorithm. Account passwords are not required for its operation.

    Rewarder-Service allows well timed and convenient opting for one or another delegate and it gives a chance to get in Top 64 for new delegates.

    The system will pay the remuneration to voters automatically. The payments interest can be any: 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100%.

    The remunerations are recalculated automatically every 30 minutes. There is no need now for delegate to calculate the remuneration manually.

    On having chosen the following parameters, the delegate can suggest new opportunities for voters:

    Frequency of payments

    Payments interest from the sum of forging for any period

    The minimum value of a vote (to be specified by delegate)

    Personal page of a delegate. Every delegate who installed Rewarder-Service can activate this page. The page is deactivated by default.

    Follow the instructions on GitHub SmartHoldem for installation of Rewarder-Service.

    Delegates of Smartholdem:
    The delegates can be compared with system of democratic elections. The participants of the community vote for Nodes they want to see in TOP 64.

    SmartHoldem nodes in TOP 64 are responsible for checking of transactions, creation of new blocks and support of SmartHoldem network. Holders of the coins obtain the remuneration proportional to the value of its own vote in exchange for their services.

    Owners of SmartHoldem coins lease their coins, in fact, by voting for delegates. The delegates with the most number of votes or STH balance rank among TOP 64.

    The holder can change its vote at any time. The user can revoke its vote and vote for another more worthy node if Node failed.

    Any user can become a SmartHoldem delegate and earn remuneration, support SmartHoldem network. For this it is required to install Node according to technical requirements and bring it to the TOP.

    TOP 64 is attainable in several ways:
    Buy the required quantity of SmartHoldem coins on the XBTS and BitShares exchanges or bring in STH holders who will vote for your node. Usually, people do not vote free of charge that is why think over what payment interest you can offer to get holders interested.

    This is the way the remuneration system works for opting for one or another delegate. Such system is also effective if Node is short of means on the balance to rank among TOP 64. Node can suggest the decent payment interest to voters who are able to raise Node to the TOP by the power of their votes and earn together.

    STH holders:
    If you have some STH coins on balance in purse, you are considered to be a holder; you can earn additional STH coins using your vote value by voting from SmartHoldem purse for a delegate who is interested in attaining or maintaining the position in TOP 64. The sum of remuneration depends on % deductions fixed by the delegate for Node operation.

  • Results 12/02/2018

    1 Votes
    1 Posts

    Results 12/02/2018
    Standing online nodes 87
    Blocks 600,000
    Snapshot of blockchain

    Added signatures to accounts in the top

    Automatic language detection in the browser

    Source code for the browser

    Added trusted nodes from ssl to online wallet

    Corrections in a paper purse now available for download and use locally

    API updates (peers, blockchain, txs)

    New community server

    Corrections in the module for interaction with the api via rpc

    Added a library of interaction with the api through typescript

    TechnologiesPro CRM interaction of all developers

  • Results 19/02/2018

    0 Votes
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    Standing online nodes 87
    Mainnet 671631
    Snapshot of blockchain

    A library of API SmartHoldem interaction in Unity 3D 5 in C # has been developed, integration into the first games is being carried out (publication of official libraries in the git until February 23, 2018). [Next Unreal Engine 4]

    Created 2 additional services

    analytical Exchange decentralized, entry points to decentralized exchanges, gateways (detailed announcements at the end of the tests)

    An API translation and integration documentation has been sent to the Chinese centralized exchange.

    Integration with the Latin American exchange was started as the main settlement stock of SmartHoldem (details 2Q2018).

    New purse-exchanger of class shapeshift was integrated into the analytical service (detailed announcements after the testing and output in production)

  • Results 25/02/2018

    0 Votes
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    Mainnet 740260

    The library Unity 3D net 4.7 (experimental version) is completed, development for Net 3.5 (stable version) is underway (currently available for integration in dll format for Unity 3D 5)

    Rewrote the library for interaction with blockchain SmartHoldem The mainnet branch is now the main

    Added additional types of asynchronous transactions

    A new type of transaction interaction with the sidechain (for example, DAPPs social network within the project SmartNet, bitcoin net, etc.)

    Created 221 automated tests in smartholdem-js

    Currently, the new library is tested in testnet, after the testing is announced, it will be announced in the update of the mainnet. added builds for a regular browser to use the library on regular web sites

    The SmartHoldem-RPC library (bitcoin daemon analog) is finalized and passes testing in testnet, upon completion of testing it will be sent to the appropriate centralized exchanges.

    The API has been updated, it's easier to send transactions to the network without using SmartHoldem-RPC.

  • Results 06/03/2018

    1 Votes
    1 Posts

    Block 832846

    Added automated tests for several libraries smartholdem-rpc smartholdem-blockexplorer sth-js Automated test systems use several projects, including the bitcoin core command, automated tests eliminate many problems in development and testing * Completely completed and ready for use library [smartholdem-rpc] (, the latest version added parameters for working with RPC Json on whitelist ip:

    Receiving requests from the specified address

    --allow <address>

    Receiving requests from all addresses, for testing and configuration


    Added working generation of hierarchical addresses with masterpassword based on the protocol [bip38] (

    Added [protocol for generation of specialized qr-codes] ( with uri based on the protocol [bip021] ( /bip-0021.mediawiki) required for billing, payment by links, a new version of the desktop wallet The public media repository [smartmedia] ( is constantly updated The section [SmartHoldem Improvement Proposals (SHIPs) ( with its own template, analog BitCoin BIP was announced, in this section future implementations of the SmartHoldem platform are proposed for implementation Created [Lite Java Client] ( for interaction with blockchain SmartHoldem, this is one of the 4 required deployment libraries for SmartEvents Contracts and the new event log of service interaction. A separate group of repositories is created [SmartEvents] ( is aimed at the development of SmartEvents protocols, contracts and a new event-based approach to interaction with blockchain platforms, here:

    ** Foreword **

    Many people know when you interact with servers to get data that you usually use the approach when you periodically access the server to get the requested data, for example, through cron 1 time per minute you check the availability of new transactions in your wallet, or for example a simple chat when you need to contact to the server database every second with a request for data on new messages, this approach is obviously ineffective.

    According to the research of many campaigns, 99% of the server resources are wasted due to "idle" calls to databases on the network, which leads to additional costs of building up server hardware (RAM, CPU etc ..)

    ** Our Vision **

    100% efficiency of resource use versus 1%, reduction of server costs. This problem is solved by the development of an event-based approach consisting of listeners and service providers.

    A member of the SmartHoldem network can become both listeners and service providers and receive additional remuneration paid by consumers for this. Service consumers are applications and campaigns that use trusted community-provided services.

    Alternatively, service consumers can raise their listeners and service providers on their own servers. Do not use trusted remote services.

    How ​​it works

    Example 1 - you need to receive information about incoming transactions to thousands of addresses

    Listeners listen to network events in the blockchain locally / remotely, creating more opportunities for network users and decentralizing the service. The API allows consumers to create subscriptions and receive blockchain events in real time using Webhook callbacks.

    Services handle events and fulfill any specified conditions and contracts. Create and execute service contracts, which can be anything from downloading a file to transferring values, creating smart contracts, executing code on bockchain-based computing platforms, or interacting with Iot.

    The customer of services (for example, the exchange with thousands of SmartHoldem addresses) subscribes to events on the network, in our example this is the transaction receipt to N1000 + addresses with the condition of 5+ confirmations.

    When the event occurs, the Services perform the necessary logic, for example, send a POST notification to the database / Callback URL about the receipt of a new confirmed transaction and add the STH balance to the user's account.

    *! It excludes any extra load on the server and 100% efficiency with minimal resource consumption. *

    Event-based technology is also used in contract deterministic events.

    The example is maximally simplified in understanding the basic principles of interaction of nodes.

    As security, you can use the white list, trusted sites, and the unique API Key, which is received by the consumer of services based on the STH-Address. Those. all requests on the network occur with authorization. Requests without authorization are rejected by the services and listeners of the network.

    To receive the Api Key, the consumer replenishes his STH address with the necessary amount of service from 0 to N coins. If the consumer is also a provider of own services, he can set 0.

    If the consumer uses trusted service providers, the service will be provided until the entire balance of the signed address with the API Key in favor of the service provider is wasted. The recommended initial amount for service providers is 100 units.

    Services and contracts are unlimited in their modifications. Primary services and events can be as follows:

    a new block was created - perform the operation a transaction was received at address A with the number of confirmations N a transaction was received at address A with the number of confirmations N and the sum> S Bet on the game event E Game event + service contract initiated Block N received direct exchange of BTC> STH through the network + contract
  • Results 13/03/2018

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Block: 908765

    A new documentation system was developed SmartHoldem API Description of data models is added.

    A separate group of repositories for open-source games of the SmartHoldem platform

    Repeated applications for the exchanged exchanges were sent taking into account all technical requirements.

    Added automated code analyzer
    Code Climate.

    The whole development process is in github public / private reps.
    More than 1100 commits since the beginning of 2018 *
  • The new API documentation system

    1 Votes
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    A new documentation system SmartHoldem API based on slate ruby

    The documentation has a more intuitive interface compared to the previous version and additional examples with json answers.

    The source code for the documentation is at

  • Results 20/03/2018

    2 Votes
    1 Posts

    Block 978512

    The code for one of the first versions of the block browser is published

    DEV Address Fund with SUeGCt31AHwTZVcfZQwpPVL4jEUCtMMDTg was changed to STQK9x2xzfM54n3cACrNahiq5CaWB2HwqR due to changes in the formats of new addresses and support for the second passphrase, multi-signatures. Signed in new browser

    Added virtual machine vagrant smartholdem-node-a instructions for use

    Additional tests were created smartholdem-node-a + all testnet in tests

    Added a branch for developers node-a

    Some add-ons for the examples api

    Development of experimental functions of address listeners in the dev branch

    Added https certificates for the first block browser

  • SmartHoldem Wallet 1.0.0 Available

    2 Votes
    1 Posts

    Work on the official SmartHoldem Wallet continues. With each release, the functionality of the wallet is getting better and more usability for users. In this update SmartHoldem Wallet added +10 000 new lines of code.

    New version of SmartHoldem Wallet 1.0.0 available

    Added languages: Arabic, Korean, Serbian, Chinese (Taiwan), Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil).

    Option - bind a purse to the trusted node ip.

    Sending payment function with a message.

    The experimental function of multi payments from a csv-file, up to 20 (the idea is taken from the old service webmoney - experimentally).

    Customizable design of the user interface.

    Management of networks and sidechains (experimentally, in progress).

    Exporting Address Transactions to a File.

    Updated version of electron to 1.8.4.

    Updating the engine framework.

    Fixed qr-code recognition (ntegration with uri apps is being developed SHIP-001).

    The voting system is simplified (now it looks more convenient).

    The function of recording into blockchain the second secret phrase to the address is added (use with caution, since after activation it is necessary to know 2 phrases).

    The field for displaying a note in the table has been added to the transaction list.

    The main Internet resources of the ecosystem have been added to the help menu.

    Corrected shutdown screenshots work.

    Improved application setup for windows (now a normal installer with a choice of installation path).

    Update MacOs Installer.

    Update Linux Installer.

    More than minor 96 fixes.

    Additional functionality and decentralized applications are planned in the next versions.


  • SmartHoldem Wallet 1.0.3 New Features!

    2 Votes
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    SmartHoldem Wallet version 1.0.3
    New Features!

    Added translations German, Bulgarian

    Customization of predefined color schemes in the user interface is added.

    Added functions for working with future versions of hardware wallets

    Added standard editing functions in the menu

    Minor fixes translate & URI scheme

  • Results 28/04/2018

    1 Votes
    1 Posts

    ** Block ** 1401917

    ** Developers ** created distribution of test (DEV) coins required in testing API SmartHoldem without the costs of these coins.

    ** Explorer ** of test network blocks DEV Explorer

    ** Delegates ** - improved security of node A. You can generate a second passphrase to your address, but use the first password on the server, which guarantees complete security in case of compromising the first phrase. After activation All further outgoing operations of the address must be carried out using two phrases. Tested in DevNet. Commission to include the second phrase ** 5 ** STH.
    ** Remember! If you lose your passphrase, you will not be able to access your assets! **

    Updated ** SmartHoldem API ** Wrapper when working with transactions, network type identification, random node selection.

    Updated ** JS API ** on mainnet & desktop wallet, fixes in address validation and network types (sidechains)

    Updated scripts faucet

    Added local versions of Windows a generator of "paper" wallets, works without connection to the network.

    Updated BlockExplorer. Transfers, support for alternative networks, blockchains, added functionality for schedules and monitoring of future STH & Linked token exchange rates.

    Updated documentation API SmartHoldem for API Wrapper and usage examples

  • Update FullNode-A v0.1.2

    2 Votes
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    Updates to Node-A

    ** The secret key is in a separate file ** ** secret.json ** (for compatibility, the old version with the file ** config.smartholdem.json ** also works). If you save * the * secret passphrase of the delegate address in secret.json, you do not need to re-specify it during updates.

    ** Added fast sync blocking with script **


    testing was conducted on a known weak VPS server with the parameters 2x2.2GHz, 1GB RAM, 20GB HDD. The time for full synchronization of the SmartHoldem block system from scratch takes no more than 2 minutes.

    Updated some libraries associated with better security and stability.

    ** For the guaranteed upgrade of Node-A ** to the latest version, use the following commands:

    ***!Attention! Most likely the secret phrase from the file config.smartholdem.json >> secret ["your phrase"] will be deleted, do not forget to write it down. ***

    cd smartholdem-node-a forever stop app.js

    here will be asked to overwrite some files, write ** y <ENTER> **

    git checkout -p git pull

    The result is about the following:

    Updating modules

    npm install

    If you have not updated for a long time, the secret phrase will be deleted, you need to specify it again, it is recommended to specify in the file secret.json

    nano secret.json


    { "secret": ["here is your secret phrase"] }

    CTRL + o, CTRL + x


    When all operations are complete, you will see the log of the work of your updated node.

    P.S. Also in * Node-A SmartHoldem * the ** exceptions ** work successfully ** is one of the future functions of the EOS coin, which has just been announced at the moment.

  • Geography SmartHoldem Nodes. Real Time

    2 Votes
    1 Posts

    On the official site of the platform a new section has been added

    a detailed geographic map of the working of SmartHoldem MasterNodes and the backup Nodes.


    The map, in real time, displays the number of MasterNodes and their location.
    At the moment 108 MasterNodes is found.
    The number of MasterNodes is growing all the time, providing even greater decentralization of the network.

    The nodes that occupy the first 64 lines of the rating are the current delegates who sign the transactions.
    The remaining nodes are in the standby mode, and are ready at any time to replace the delegate who left the Top 64 rating.

    On the Delegate Monitor page , you can see how the process of creating the blocks occurs.

    Any user can become a valid SmartHoldem delegate.
    The delegate rank depends on many parameters. For more information on how to become a delegate, read

  • 2 Votes
    1 Posts

    A new round of voting for most popular tokens starts today at OKEx! And this time the community has enough time to show it strength and publicly display that STH coin is inded popular – and 5 tokens most popular in the vote, according to OKEx, will have a chance to get listed there!

    In order to vote, do the following before May 7th 2018, 10:00 UTC:

    Subscribe to in Twitter, Retwit the post, Add a comment to with the words: #SmartHoldem $STH

    No need to write more than one supporting comment, or to edit the written one (it won’t be considered); but if you expect the great future for SmartHoldem, today you can have an impact and help to bring it a bit closer a bit faster!

  • How to setup a Node SmartHoldem

  • 2 Votes
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    Network segments and the SmartHoldem platform development 2019

    SmartHoldem is a decentralized platform focused on friendly interaction with blockchain projects. But it’s not a random choice of method. The cryptocurrency market needs a convenient bridge that natively connects users with applications, games and services.

    As we said in WhitePaper
    ! Guided by the interests of investors and players, the SmartHoldem team reserves the right to use even more advanced technologies in the event of their development. The mission of the SmartHoldem team is perfect technological solutions, usability and flawless code.

    SmartHoldem - is a unique Blockchain, as it is the first blockchain that is technically compatible with various platforms. Building-block system opens up new opportunities for the widest circle of developers in the implementation of their ideas and becomes a full-fledged gaming platform.
    We support the development of a database repository made by the developers of Lisk Postgres and Level DB

    The priority direction is full integration with the well-known delegative platforms such as Lisk, Bitshares, Waves and others. Thus, SmartHoldem acquires additional properties.

    The team continues to work hard to create games, new modules and support existing ones, investing all available resources in the development of the platform.
    Although the Sidechain technology was invented long ago and we do not consider it the only candidate, sidechains are one of the well-known tools of interaction in the ecosystem.

    A fund has been set up for new developers who will enter the SmartHoldem ecosystem.

    Network-A intentionally uses the delegative model, providing technical compatibility with other known systems and technologies for high-speed transaction processing at the present time, in the case of the emergence of better technologies, they will also be involved in the platform.

    The second segment of the SmartHoldem Node network of level B is integrated, which interacts both with its own data structure providing additional functionality and the first segment of the Node network of level A (necessary for processing the maximum number of transactions for the minimum time in a standardized format in the future).

    When Level B Nodes are a peer to peer Internet based on stored/running web applications with a search engine, instant messenger, internal assets and their exchange, atomic swaps, friendly contracts, DAPPs tied to unique names that can later be sold by their developers at the internal auction of the decentralized second segment of the Node B network, encrypted transmission of messages, reward authors of the unique content of the social/gaming p2p network of SmartHoldem, very-large-scale data, transparently operating on hybrid p2p protocols, will be transmitted/stored in the third noncommissioned segment.

    Currently, a stable foundation of technical innovations has been prepared.
    Level-A network is ready for use as a stock coin and in gaming/business applications.

    The primary demonstration of playability is scheduled with the release of the heads or tails game between the network participants.

    Several stable interaction modules between the blockchain and developers using other programming languages are expected.

    It is time for new internet!


  • SmartHoldem Multi-Addressing System

    1 Votes
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    SmartHoldem platform supports multi-addressing. Now you dont need to specify SmartMessage when sending STH coins to the XBTS exchange. This feature improves anonymity and speeds up work. Also this function is necessary for the integration of games.

    Get wallet

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    Coinlore provides original cryptocurrency prices, market data, volumes, coin markets

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    Coinpaprika provides original cryptocurrency prices, market data, volumes, coin markets

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  • This topic is deleted!

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